5 Things to Consider Before Getting Finger Tattoos - Official Dr.Numb® USAA numbing cream is an anaesthetic numbing agent that temporarily numbs the skin. It’s used to treat pain and itching, and it comes in the form of a gel or spray. Numbing cream can be applied topically or ingested orally, and it works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain. If you have little experience with medical procedures or medications, here are some tips on how to use this product correctly:


What Is Numbing Cream?

Numbing cream is a topical cream that contains a numbing agent. It is used to numb the skin before a medical procedure, such as surgery or childbirth. It’s not the same as an anaesthetic, which puts you to sleep; nor does it relieve pain (although some people may experience relief from their symptoms) numbing cream for skin are most often applied directly on the tissue where treatment will take place and are typically used for minor procedures such as dental work or minor cuts and scrapes.


How Does Numbing Cream Work?

It does this by inhibiting the excitation of sensory nerves, which is accomplished through the creation of fatty molecules called lipids. These lipids act as an inhibitor for nerve impulses to reduce sensitivity and response time. Numbing cream also works by reducing nerve sensitivity, meaning that it reduces how easily your body responds to stimuli like touch or heat; this helps keep you comfortable during surgery or other painful procedures without becoming too uncomfortable (like having hot needles inserted into your skin). And finally, numbing cream can also work on its own without any other treatment—if you apply it directly onto an injured area before a procedure begins!


How Do You Apply Numbing Cream?

Numbing Cream is a topical anaesthetic that works by numbing the skin and making it more resistant to pain. You can apply it to the affected area, or you can use it as part of your daily routine by applying it before going to sleep at night.

To apply Numbing Cream:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water; dry them immediately after washing so that they do not contaminate the cream when applying it to your skin later on.
  • Apply a small amount of cream onto one finger at a time (no more than one millilitre per application).
  • Rub each finger in a circular motion over the affected area for about 20 seconds until you see any signs of numbness occurring such as tingling sensations, loss of feeling in your fingers/hands/feet/etc., etc., etc…


Possible Side Effects of Numbing Cream

  • Numbing Cream can cause a burning sensation at the site of application.
  • Numbing Cream may cause redness, swelling, and itching. If these side effects occur you should consult your doctor immediately.
  • Numbing Cream can also cause allergic reactions in some people; this is more likely if you are sensitive to an ingredient in numbing cream such as zinc oxide or pigments. If you develop any of these symptoms after using numbing cream: stop using it and see your doctor immediately.