If you’re not a fan of the way that traditional masturbation feels, there are alternatives. Masturbation cups can be great for anyone who has difficulty reaching orgasm with their hands or benefits from extra stimulation.
However, if you don’t use your masturbation cup correctly or discreetly, several things can go wrong (and then, of course, you have to clean up after yourself). Here are some reasons why you need to make sure that your 飛機杯 (Aircraft Cup) experience goes smoothly.
Using Masturbation Cups Can Be Loud
While it’s not as noisy as some other sex toys, a masturbation cup still makes a distinct suction noise when you use it. This means that if you have roommates and they hear this sound coming from the bathroom, they will surely know what is going on.
If you are in a dorm room or share an apartment with friends, they may also hear this sound – especially if they are close to where you keep your masturbation cup. If someone hears this while trying to sleep at night, he or she might get angry about being woken up by your masturbation habits!
You Might Get Unnecessary Stains On Your Sheets
If you use a masturbation cup, you will have to clean up the mess caused by your intimate activity. If you don’t want to use a towel or cloth to clean up your mess, then there is always the option of just not cleaning it up at all. That way, your roommate might see it and think that something weird and messy is going on with you.
You Don’t Want To Be Caught By A Roommate Or Roommate’s Friend
If you are caught using your masturbation cup, there are a few things that you can effectively do about it. First, apologize and tell them how sorry you are for using your masturbation cup at the wrong time. If they are still upset about it, offer to buy them something nice as an apology gift.
If this doesn’t work and they continue to be upset with you after getting caught with your masturbation cup fun, then just leave the room and use another bathroom so that they don’t have to see what’s going on anymore.
The Suction Sound From Masturbation Cups Is Embarrassing
The suction sound produced by a masturbation cup is loud enough that you might not want to use it in front of your roommate. It can be embarrassing to have a roommate or roommate’s friend walk in on your mid-use. If someone walks in on you while using the 飛機杯 (Aircraft Cup) discreetly, they might be scared out of their wits!
Be Careful When Using A Masturbation Cup!
When using a masturbation cup, you should be careful not to knock it over or spill your ejaculate everywhere. Be sure to use it in private so no one can see what you’re doing. If you use the cup properly and follow these tips, then there’s no reason why anyone will know that you were using one!
The best way to be discreet is by cleaning up after yourself as soon as possible after finishing up your session (and even before). This way there won’t be any stains on your sheets from leftover semen which could give away what happened during those moments when no one was looking!